Friday, August 22, 2014

teens, terrorists, no glass, public works

the friday arnd 7th aug teens from bus got off and the bigger more aggressive the bigger one verbally bullied me they left qand then after I went to gas stations and was walking back home the same bully kept circling arnd me similarly like he did in a difft harassment incident months ago n3ear home depot. Friday arnd 14th aug 3 teens approached near nelson school in darkness and one asked if they could follow me home - after I stated I would call police th 3 of them on bicycles briefly went through school field arnd 10 pm. the terrorizing multiagency operation is alive and operational with vehicles and persons organizing harassment. some part of conspiracy complained falsely to public works after which they started to harass me for need to use toilet while passing through area. there may be several who dislike me public works, and harasser, and insufficient malicious investigation. this is a lovely country where if you cannot provide your own convenience 24/7 they will use that and terrorist persecution to generate problems and end your life. recycling center stopped accepting glass for 3 days and contains Mexican employee who wants everyone to play a dummy and to give certain people hard time. because this fellow likes to give people hard time he may be the crucial factor in no glass if not the terrorist community and united states.